One Voice is the last track on Straight No Chaser's album, "With A Twist," and Mr. Barry Manilow himself sings lead. The song was done at his invitation and Mr. Manilow arranged it (Deke Sharon assisting) so that each of the guys would have his own individual part.
Even though they had collaborated on a recording and SNC had opened for Mr. Manilow at the Hollywood Bowl in the spring of 2010, they never actually met until they performed One Voice together live for the first time in Atlantic City, NJ at Boardwalk Hall on August 14, 2010.
Video: nmanilow
A couple of days later, Ryan posted an outstanding blog about the experience on the SNCmusic site:
The quote of the night went to Barry when he pulled us aside after the last picture was taken and imparted, "Listen, guys, you can sing as many minor ninth chords as you want, but people don't care about that at all. What they want to see up there are friends." I'll always remember that.
~Ryan, Moments with a Legend
May 4th, 5th and 6th, 2011, Straight No Chaser opened for Mr. Manilow at the O2 Arena in London and then joined him again at the close of each show to perform One Voice.
Randy's Photos on
Soundcheck at the O2 Arena
Soundcheck view from the stage
SNC on stage with Barry Manilow
Saturday Night at the O2 - side view
View from the right:
Video: linziTCB
View from the left:
Video: Karencb62
Video: Karencb62
One Voice and It's a Miracle
Video: alistairburns
So much confetti!!!
Video: alistairburns
So much confetti!!!
Fantastic job, guys!!!
And yes, there are only nine of them on stage. In May of 2011, Charlie was at home waiting to welcome his son, Hayden, into the world! #awww #onemorevoice :o)
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