It's not unusual to want to keep these CDs in rotation all year long.
Case in point, The Christmas Can-Can - an original song written and arranged by SNC founding member, current SNC Musical Director, brilliant arranger and Tenor 2, Walter Chase. I LOVE this song, it's one of my favorites! I think it showcases the guys very well, it's clever, hilarious, has the appearance of total chaos and... it's wonderful. Just watch!
Avid fans of Straight No Chaser are called "Chasers." (Just thought you'd like to know because, after watching The Christmas Can-Can, I'm pretty sure you're thinking you might already be a fan.) The first day of each month, a new Chaser of the Month (or #COTM) is chosen at the official site,
Let's finish off today's letter with a rare Charlie solo in Chicken Fried! You see... *looks around to see who's listening* *leans in* *whispers* Charlie's a bass. As he explains it, he doesn't usually get to sing those, um... *snap* *snap* words. He does an amazing job on this one, but don't tell him I said so. ;o)
Video: cruiserkelli
Thanks to Angie for submitting the words "Chaser" and "The Christmas Can-Can"!
So happy Walter CHASE & his CHRISTMAS CAN-CAN song and CHARLIE Mechling & his CHICKEN Fried solo were highlighted in this blog! In SNC's case the awesomeness of the "whole" is equal to the sum of its amazing "parts". The guys can never be featured enough individually!
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